On-Ear vs Over-Ear Headphones

September 22, 2021

On-Ear vs Over-Ear Headphones: Which One is the Best for You?

When it comes to headphone styles, two of the most popular designs are on-ear and over-ear headphones. Both types of headphones come with their unique features, advantages, and disadvantages. Therefore, before making the choice between the two, considering what you're looking for is essential.

On-Ear Headphones

On-ear headphones are portable and lightweight. They're designed to sit directly on the ears, so there's no need to worry about ear cups compressing or messing up your hair. You can easily pop them into your backpack or purse and carry them wherever you go.

However, the downside of the on-ear headphones is that they don't sit securely on the ears; hence, they allow outside noise to sneak in. They tend to be less powerful and might not produce the best bass response.

Over-Ear Headphones

Over-ear headphones are also called circumaural headphones, and just as the name implies, they go around your ear. The ear cups fully enclose your ears, preventing any outside noise from entering your listening experience. They offer a more immersive listening experience, with excellent bass response and a fuller sound than their on-ear counterparts.

However, because they go around the ear, they tend to be heavier and more substantial than their on-ear siblings. They can be uncomfortable during extended periods of wearings and can cause your ears to get warm.

So, Which One Should You Choose?

Well, it depends on what type of user you are. If you're looking for a portable option that you can easily carry around, then on-ear headphones might be the best option for you. But if you're looking for a listening experience that is 100% private and immersive, over-ear headphones will be ideal.

Overall, both on-ear and over-ear headphones come with their unique features and advantages. Therefore it is up to you to decide which best suits your needs.


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